Celebrating 100 Years…
The American Legion has just turned 100 years old and Chicago Veterans joined the 9th District of Illinois to celebrate its centennial. Founded in 1919, the American Legion has a rich history.
Four line officers of the American Expeditionary Forces – Lt. Col. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.; Lt. Col. George A. White; Lt. Col. William Donovan; and Lt. Col. Eric Fisher Wood – meet in Paris to discuss the recent passing of former President Theodore Roosevelt, along with their imminent mustering out of wartime service, morale among the troops and what might happen at home when nearly 2 million newly discharged combat veterans, many disabled and shell-shocked, return to civilian lives.
The American Legion was officially formed in Paris, France, at the American Officers Club (March 15). Organizers, who expected about 300, were surprised when hundreds more poured in. Officially, 463 registered for the caucus, but more than 1,000 are believed to have attended.
The 9th District of Illinois celebrated its centennial at American Legion Post 974 in Franklin Park. Over 120 guests attended the Mystery Dinner Party. A Mystery Dinner is a one-of-a-kind experience where all attendees get involved in the interactive comedy. The theme was a 1920’s Mob Wedding. All ages were invited to this dinner and it turned out to be a fun one.
If you haven’t joined an American Legion Post yet we highly encourage you to do so. Each post is unique in their own way so be sure to visit multiple posts and find one that works for you. Click here to learn more about the 9th District of Illinois.